PHPAmersfoort logo

PHP user group for Amersfoort and the Eemland region

We organize a meetup every second Tuesday of the month, where we discuss PHP and related technologies. Our meetups are free and open to anyone with an interest in PHP and software development.

Join us on Meetup

Sponsor us

Sponsoring a meetup is a great way to support the PHP community and to increase your company's visibility among PHP developers in the region for a relatively low cost. All it takes is providing a location in Amersfoort, drinks, and optionally some pizza. Get in touch for more information.


Speaking at a meetup is a great way to share your knowledge and experience with the PHP community or to practice your talk for a conference. Let us know if you have a talk you would like to present.

Regular location sponsors

Meetup sponsor

Website sponsor


PHPAmersfoort is organized by Rick Kuipers and Nic Wortel.

Contact us

Send an email to [email protected], or join the #phpamersfoort channel on the PHPNL Slack.